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The Circle Review - Volume 1 - Creative Nonfiction

Kameron is a creative writing major with a minor in professional writing and emerging media studying at Ball State University. He originally hails from Knoxville, Tennessee but currently lives in Muncie, IN. Kameron mostly writes fiction, but also writes a movie review column for "The Ball State Daily News," for which he has won two "Gold Circle" awards from Columbia University. When not writing or watching movies he helps coaches soccer at Muncie Burris High School and cheers on the Indianapolis Colts.

John Michael Flynn worked as a tobacco farmer's hand, a commercial lobster fisherman, and a carpenter before earning a degree from the University of Michigan. He served in the Peace Corps at the end of the Cold War in the Republic of Moldova. He teaches English at Piedmont Valley Community College in central Virginia. He also writes as Basil Rosa, and his website is

Sara Etgen-Baker is a retired educator who enjoys writing personal narratives and memoirs—many of which have been published in anthologies including her story “Journey with Mother” and “Mirror, Mirror on the Wall.” Several manuscripts have also appeared in Looking Back Magazine and Storyteller Magazine. She's a regular contributor at Tiny Lights, and is currently working on her first novel entitled Dillehay Crossing.

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