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Silent Things is open for submissions and original content.

Silent Things is an online magazine dedicated to celebrating freedom through poetry, prose, fiction, essays, love notes, parking tickets, photography, street art, fiery confessions of guilt, court orders, paystubs, documentation of guerilla warfare against the noise and alienation of city life, and art of all kinds with themes loosely based around radical thought and the journey toward the true self.​

Silent Things doesn’t have a set schedule or “issues.” They try to update as much as possible with no set limit on how many posts are added per day. They’re hoping this becomes a place where there will be 5-10 new posts every few days that cover all the categories. THEY NEED YOUR HELP TO DO THIS. SEE BELOW.​

Silent Things welcomes EVERYONE to submit whatever they’ve got to There are no submission guidelines, no hoops to jump through, and no elitist tagline to abide by. If you have something cool and want people to see it, send it to them. You don’t need a blog or a fan following of any kind. They like people who make art, that is the only requirement; and even that is negotiable. Just be clear about what you want included in your post.​

Check out their website: or follow them on Facebook and Twitter. 

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Nostrovia! Poetry is a small, independent press that publishes poetry through anthologies, contests, blogs, zines, and various other platforms. Their goal is to promote poetry for everyone, but specifically for the youth. People of younger age seem to have this terrible idea that poetry is a squabble of "flowery" drooling.

None of them have ever heard of Gregory Corso, Allen Ginsberg, Walt Whitman, or even any of the talented modern slam poets. They're unaware of what poetry truly is. They don't realize it's an art form that expresses more than the "pretentious whining of heartbroken old men". Sadly, that is what they see it as. 

Here's an example of what they're talking about:  

Jeremiah, the lead editor, manages the poetry club at school, and when he was soliciting for membership, many of the people he asked said, "You write poetry?  Poetry is stupid", or "I don't get poetry".  He understands everyone is entitled to their own opinions, but many kids have a pre-read bias against poetry.

Nostrovia! Poetry is out to change that image. 

Check out their website: or follow them on Facebook, Twitter, and Tumblr. 

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